April Is A Fresh Start

WI for the Modern Woman

April Is A Fresh Start


Last month at our AGM we looked back on another successful year with reports and a presentation which highlighted all the activities over the past twelve months. After thanking committee members who were standing down, this year’s committee was appointed. We are pleased that Jane was voted president for another year supported by the committee as follows:- Tricia Dyke (Secretary), Viv Shooter (Treasurer) , Margaret Webb, Carol Allen, Liz Southgate, Nicola Hatch-Lighterness, Kirtsy Halsey, Jane Snooks, and Jess Feeney.
We then heard about this year’s resolutions, ‘Don’t Fear the Smear’ and ‘Save local buses’ including some very personal accounts. Members voted almost unanimously to support these campaigns. The temporary venue with bar was much appreciated!