Welcome to the West End Belles Theatre Group!
For theatre goers amongst the belles, we are intending to arrange visits to see some great West End shows. We plan to arrange four outings a year but without the hefty price tag usually associated with going to see a west end show!
The group is being run by the lovely Sue Cane and her helper Ann-Marie Smith and if you have any queries please speak to one of them either at a meeting or using the contact details below. If there are any shows in particular you would like to see, then please also let them know. If you would like to join the West End Belles Theatre Group please email Sue at westendbelles@hotmail.com to let her know you want to be kept up to date with future trips.
For each trip there will be a limited number of tickets reserved and tickets are only definitely yours once you have made payment for the ticket. Please make payment direct to Sue and NOT the Brentwood Belles account. You will have to make your own way up to the theatre as we will not be arranging coaches.
Upcoming trips
More trips will be released throughout the year – watch this space, on our calendar, or better still, join Sue’s mailing list!
If interested, please contact Sue on the above email address or find her at the next monthly meeting.