Welcome to the Belles Lunch Club Group!
When things are fully open, every other month, on the fourth Tuesday, a small group of around 20 Belles go out to tickle their taste buds with lunch at a local venue.
Details of the exact venue and menu will be available at our meeting the month before the lunch, when names and deposits will be taken. The balance of the cost will be collected at our meeting the following month, i.e. a week before the lunch. The cost will include a tip, but drinks & coffees will need to be paid for separately.
Obviously, in the unfortunate event of someone not being able to attend a lunch they have booked, we would hope to refund all or part of any money paid. However, different restaurants have different policies regarding late cancellations which we have to abide by, so please note that any money paid should be regarded as non-refundable. In the event that you are unable to attend, please let Vena or Beryl know as soon as possible – their mobile numbers will be on your deposit receipt. It is probably best to send a text to which they will reply so you know it has arrived.
Look out for details of the next lunch and book your place with Vena and Beryl who will be sitting at the groups table at the monthly meetings.