The Brentwood Belles are a diverse group of women, including in age. Our Menopause Matters Sub Group exists to provide a space to share stories, ask questions, and engage with a supportive, listening community. This subgroup is open to all Belles, whether they want to know more, are just beginning or in the midst of their menopause journey, or have lots of experience and wisdom about their own past journey to share.
The Women’s Institute has long seen Menopause as a key issue for Women’s Health. It has been a proposed resolution for the national campaign, in the hopes of creating equity in the law and working to eliminate discrimination against women experiencing menopause. Our past national campaign to #SeetheSigns focused on recognising the signs of Ovarian Cancer and helping women get earlier diagnoses of the disease.
Our Menopause Matters Sub Group maintains a group chat and usually meets every other month in person.